Home eco-friendly Things Most Of The Shredding Companies Hide From You

Things Most Of The Shredding Companies Hide From You

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Shredding Services Toronto

Employing a paper shredding service is a matter of trust. Ask yourself these questions if you work with one. Are you bonded? What security clearances do you have? How do you know that no one is going to read your papers? Here are a few lies your paper shredding service might be telling you.


Our employees have been “security cleared”

A company telling you this is most likely an illusion. A bond and a fancy uniform for an employee does not equal security. Fancy trucks and photo ID’s do not mean someone is above reproach. The level of security clearance is associated with military and Department of Defense or similar government contractors. The clearance is just a result of the extent of a background check. So, do you trust that this employee is not a thief clad in a uniform? Ask them what they mean by “security cleared”.


We have the best pricing

Be careful if the company provides hourly rates. Example: A company may charge you $150/hr and another service may charge $200/hr. If the first company takes 2 hours to shred 50 boxes and the second one can shred 50 boxes in an hour, then you’ll be saving by using the 2nd service. Pricing by the minute or hour promotes slow work and equipment. Also, when does the clock start? Be aware that some companies may have charges for setup, travel etc. Be sure to ask about hidden charges. The most cost effective way to price shredding is by the container. Shredding Services Toronto is one of the most honest shredding companies and also with reasonable rates.


We’re safe and secure!

There are several holes in this. Shredding services recycle your paper because they get paid for it. But in order to maximize the payout, the paper particle must be the ideal size to be reused by the recycling plant. Do you know what that ideal size is? Approximately the length and width of a business card. That barely qualifies as shredding. Do you still want to trust your most sensitive documents to someone you don’t know?


Your employees are expensive!

The irony in this claim is that these companies charge $4.5 per minute on an average to destroy your papers. How much does that add up to per year then? It’s about $500,000 at the least. Believe it or not, these companies might end up being the highest paid employee in your entire organization. It is agreed that time is valuable but never lose sight of the big picture when taking a decision!


We are security experts!

Are you sure you can trust every one of the company’s employees when only you meet the top of the cadre to setup the deal? Well, here’s the thing… The truck driver who works for the company isn’t trained in security facilities. He doesn’t know that the value of the document could be worth a lot more to you than your employee’s salary. In 2007, many casinos in Las Vegas adopted the practice of employing companies that specialize in shredding to safely dispose of their documents. Little did they know that these companies were actually selling them online on EBAY. And it ended happily ever after when they decided to purchase their own shredders.


Seriously considering these should help you stay informed and make responsible decisions. Businesses dealing with sensitive information of your customers should definitely consider the risks before employing such companies. Finally, are you aware of the huge number of identity theft complaints that the Federal Trade Commission processes every week? Consider this food for thought and may your next move be wiser.

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